Taking care of you~Abu Dhabi World Magazine
With our busy lives, endless to-do lists and responsibilities, it can often feel selfish to make time for you. But Kasey Conrad, founder of ChangeWorks Holistics, says that you need to for your own wellbeing…
“I believe that everything we do for ourselves and the time we take for us is a step toward accountability and self awareness,” she says. “We don’t have to spend money, it doesn’t have to revolve around food – it’s just simply the Time we take to prioritise ourselves.
“A lot of people feel that this sort of thing is selfish, this is societal conditioning. If we don’t take time for ourselves, we don’t have as much to give to others. When we prioritise ourselves, all the people around us benefit. We become accountable for our own well being. This is a huge step in taking control of our own life. Once we accomplish this, we become fully responsible for all the good and not-so-good things that happen to us, all the credit, all the blame. This is a true place of power.”
Make yourself your priority
- Stop ‘should-ing’ on yourself: “There are no shoulds, musts or have-tos,” Kasey laughs. “Those are things we put on ourselves. To be able to stop doing this is a huge step toward empowerment, as we’re being true to ourselves and not allowing any outside influence to affect the way we treat ourself.”
- Unclutter mentally: “We need less time with our devices; they take up a lot of space in our lives and more time than we realise. Put those things aside, even if it’s just for five minutes- Turn off your phone, iPad and computer– then try ten minutes, then…oh my stars…leave your house without your phone! The feeling of liberation, (once you’re over the dread), you’ll experience will be amazing.”
- Stop and smell the roses: “In the evening, go out and watch the sun set or smell the flowers,” Kasey says. “It brings you present and in the moment to appreciate something beautiful. It’s a type of meditation that doesn’t involve sitting in the lotus position.”
- Do something for you: “Go for a walk, sing or dance to your favourite music, even if its for just five minutes each day,” Kasey suggests. “It doesn’t have to be complex, simple is best, simple is least effort, simple will last.”